Strategic Plan

“Our Strategic Plan will guide our school into its second century, ensuring that the traditions and welcoming culture endure while providing exciting, relevant opportunities for Garrison Forest students, now and in the future.”

-Helen Zinreich Shafer ’93
Chair, Strategic Planning Committee
Member, Board of Trustees
Parent, Serena ’19

In November 2015, The Garrison Forest School Board of Trustees unanimously approved a visionary Strategic Plan for Garrison Forest. This plan focuses on six key areas, clearly defining goals and action steps that build on GFS’s time-honored strengths and embrace what is most essential to the school community. These Strategic Imperatives are what want every Garrison Forest student to experience, from our Preschool girls and boys to the Senior Class.

Read the plan in full in the Strategic Plan booklet:

Plan Focuses


Strategic Planning Committee (November 2015)

Helen Zinreich Shafer ’93, Chair
Kimberley J. Roberts, Head of School
Sarah L. Achenbach, Director of Communications
Elizabeth B. Andrews, Head of Preschool
Sara N. Bleich ’96
Robert S. Brennen, Trustee
Kimberly Hubbard Cashman ’85, Trustee
David M. DiPietro, Trustee
Deanna Gamber ’85, Assistant Head of School for Advancement
Alison C. Greer, Director of Admission and Financial Aid
Molly Mundy Hathaway ’61, Trustee
Timothy W. Hathaway, Trustee
Janet P. Havlik, Dean of Students
L. Renee Hawkins, Director of Institutional Technology
William S. Hodgetts, Assistant Head of School for Finance and Operations
Gail E. Hutton, Head of Lower School
Catherine Y. Jackson ’83, Trustee
Lila Boyce Lohr ’63, Trustee
Peter D. Maller, Trustee
Robyne McCullough ’07
Jessy Molina, Director of Diversity and Inclusion
Stacie M. Muñoz, Faculty
William M. Parrish, Trustee
Andrea M. Perry, James Center Director
Jennifer C. Rao, Director of Academic Affairs
Tung T. Trinh, Head of Middle School
Felicia A. Wilks, Head of Upper School
GFS Board of Trustees



About the Strategic Planning Process

The Board-led Strategic Planning process, chaired by trustee and current parent Helen Zinreich Shafer ’93, began with surveys in February 2015 to college-aged alumnae, current parents, 9th-12th grade students, faculty, staff and trustees.

Using the survey data, some of which was analyzed by the Upper School Statistics class, the Strategic Planning Committee and the GFS administrative leadership team conducted a series of spring planning sessions to begin to frame strategic initiatives. Pat Bassett, founder of Heads Up, former president of the National Association of Independent Schools and past GFS grandparent, is serving as a consultant. In fall 2015, the Committee reviewed and evaluated emerging initiatives for the final document, which was shared with the broader school community and voted upon by the Board of Trustees.

And the survey says…

80% of college-aged alumnae responding are attending their 1st or 2nd college choice

89% of college-aged alumnae responding felt GFS “very well” or “well” prepared them for college

98% of students responding feel challenged to their “full academic potential”

72% of parents responding feel GFS does “very well” or “well” when it comes to teaching students to be creative and innovative

91% of all employees responding give the “work itself” and relationships with co-workers top marks

90% of families currently enrolled cite GFS as their only or 1st choice